The Adventures Of Captain Pump, Book 1 Page 4
2. Now I want you do you ten sit ups.
Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent, like I am. Then put your hands behind your head. Don’t pull on your head though. Then raise your shoulders off the ground until you can’t anymore. Feel your abdominal muscles contract. This is how you get strong abdominal muscles like mine. When you get good at doing this ten times, go for fifteen, then twenty. Soon you will have a strong core and that is a good thing!
3. Finally, I want you to do ten squats.
Your legs have very big muscles that get tired fast. So make sure you do these the way I am showing you. Let’s get in a “start” position. Stand with your knees bent and your upper body reaching to the sky. Bend your knees while keeping your upper body reaching to the sky until you are in a sitting position, and return to your standing one. Do these ten times.
Awesome! You are so on your way to becoming a Pumpster! Now make sure you do both phases every day, and also make sure you feed your body well. Which brings me to the next part of being fit and healthy.
Phase Three
The saying, “You are what you eat,” is so true. What you put into your body will play a huge factor in how healthy your body will be. So feed it right. I want you to have two different servings of vegetables each day. To build muscle you need protein too. Make sure you get plenty of vitamins and minerals by eating a well-balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, lean meats, grains, and water . . . don’t forget to drink plenty of fresh water. I love my fruits and vegetables, and here in Pumpland we grow them all. If you eat a variety of green, yellow, orange, purple, red, and white fruits and vegetables, you will always have a healthy body. I eat my fruits and vegetables like the colors of the rainbow. Not only do they taste great, they make me feel great! And they will make you feel great too.
Captain’s Final Words
The last thing I want you talk about is the importance of being RESPECTFUL. I know we talked about it earlier, but it’s so important I want to talk about it again.
Be respectful to your parents, your brothers and sisters and your teachers, your coaches, your friends, and most of all, yourself. Help someone when you see they can use it. Say a kind word to someone and mean it. And always encourage people who need it.
Well, I have to go now. Wait till you see the top-secret project we are working on here in Pumpland. I can’t wait to show you! So come back and see us. And remember, I am your fitness superhero, and we are partners in this journey of becoming fit and healthy to Save the Day the Healthy Way!
Well, that’s it for now.
This is Captain Pump, your fitness superhero, signing off.
Until we meet again, my Pumpster friend.
About the Author
Jasson Finney has worked for many years in the fitness and entertainment industries. His performing experience began in his teens as a drummer in several touring rock bands. Today, Jasson is a working actor and stuntman in both film and TV.
After graduating from the University of Ottawa with a degree in the school of Human Kinetics, he dedicated many years to helping people attain their fitness and health goals. A seasoned fitness and lifestyle professional, Jasson has helped hundreds of people regain their health and fitness prowess.
Over the years, Jasson has gained invaluable experience creating, promoting, and delivering professional “winning attitude” team building, fitness, and lifestyle programs. Such examples are his “Business Athlete” and “Hockey Athlete” programs targeting those wishing to live a healthy life, improve performance, and boost confidence by applying athletic concepts to become champions in their own right. The Adventures of Captain Pump is the culmination of his experience as a coach, trainer, and motivator that is sure to help kids Save the Day the Healthy Way!
A regular fitness expert for CBS, Jasson is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives. His mission is to help, teach, and guide people towards a healthy lifestyle as well as entertain and create in film and TV.
If you had to sum him up in one word it would be “big.” He is a big guy, with a big heart who always thinks and does big.