The Adventures Of Captain Pump, Book 1 Page 3
The three stand in the CP Tower control room with computer screens lining the walls. “Excuse me, fellas, but what do you think you’re doing?” asks a hulking Captain Pump.
“Ah man! It’s Captain Pump,” says a defeated Guido.
The Captain pulls a tablet from his pocket and starts clicking away, changing the images on the wall-to-wall screens. George stands next to the Captain while Guido and Myron look on.
“We were just going to exercise our throwing arms, weren’t we, Myron?”
“Yeah, our throwing arms, yeah!”
“On what and whom were you planning on exercising those throwing arms? Not on Ms. Barkelott and her car . . . were you?”
“No sir, not us,” says Guido. “We would never do such a terrible thing.”
“Wouldn’t you?”
“No, Captain Pump,” says Guido. “We would never do such a thing.”
“Lies, lies . . . such lies. Let me show you what damage you could have caused and, more seriously, the harm you could have done to Ms. Barkelott. Take a look at this.”
The Captain hits a play button. The wall transforms to a movie of Guido and Myron winding up and throwing egg after egg at Ms. Barkelott. Startled, she hurries to get her keys out of her purse. The eggs keep coming as though they are being thrown by an automatic pitching machine. Unable to get to her keys fast enough, she is hit again and again, egg yolk streaming down her face as she breaks down crying. Guido and Myron smirk at each other.
“You think this is funny?”
“No . . . but she embarrassed us in front of the whole school,” insists Guido.
“And why did she do that?” asks an impatient Captain Pump.
“Because we pulled on Mr. Blunt’s wig?”
“Yes! And embarrassed HIM!” explains the Captain.
“Yeah, I guess we did. So she did to us what we first did to him.”
“That’s right. It didn’t feel so nice, did it?” asks the Captain.
“No sir,” admits Guido sadly.
“Yeah, no sir,” agrees Myron.
“If you think that’s bad, watch this.”
Captain Pump hits play on his tablet. The screen plays a different scenario. This time, as Guido and Myron start launching the eggs at Ms. Barkelott, she panics and slips on the egg-covered pavement and falls to the ground, hitting her head against the car door. An ambulance takes her away.
“What happened to her?” asks Guido.
“Well, she hit her head and had to be taken to the hospital.”
“Oh no! Honest, Captain Pump . . . we never meant for anything bad to happen,” Guido assures him.
“No one ever wants bad things to happen. They just do . . . when you do foolish things and make bad choices! Do you understand?”
“Yes sir, we understand,” confirms Guido.
“Yeah, we’re sorry,” repeats Myron.
“Well, sorry is not always good enough, but lucky for you, you still have a chance to make this situation right. So tell me, boys, how do you think you could make this a happy ending for everyone?”
“What do you mean?” says Guido.
“Well, how could the two of you turn this disastrous situation into a great one?”
“I dunno,” says Guido.
“You two think about it. Remember, boys, life is always about choices. It is up to you to make the right ones. I will give you one more hint, one more word of the day that you should always remember and apply in every area of your life: RESPECT! Do you know what that means, boys?”
“I think so . . .” Guido and Myron say in unison.
“It means you always treat people with manners and in an appropriate way,” explains the Captain.
“I guess we made a big mistake,” says Guido.
“Not yet . . . you still can stop what you might do.”
“George!” beckons the Captain, who gestures at the magic comic book in his back pocket. “It’s time to take these boys back.”
“Okay. Gotcha!”
George opens the magic comic book as Captain Pump pulls him, Guido, and Myron into the scrolling frames. Once again, they fall through the pages as Captain Pump leads the way. BAM! BAM! BAM! One after another, the Captain crashes through page by page, plowing through like a bulldozer. Guido, Myron, and George freefall and scream all the way until . . . BOOM! They come crashing to the ground back in the real world.
The Right Choice
Back in the REAL WORLD . . .
Eggs in hand, Guido and Myron stand at the corner of the dumpster in the parking lot as Ms. Barkelott fishes through her purse for her keys.
Captain Pump and George watch the scenario play out in the magic comic book as the boys wind up.
“This is ridiculous! We can’t just stand here and watch this poor woman get pummeled with all those eggs,” states an irritated George.
“Hold on, George. Give them a chance.”
George stands there and continues watching the scene unfold through the magic comic book. Ms. Barkelott is having trouble finding her keys. The boys give each other a final look, nod, and wind up when suddenly . . . Guido retreats and grabs Myron’s arm just as he is about to launch the attack.
Guido looks at a struggling Ms. Barkelott and says to Myron, “Wait! Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I mean, what we did to Mr. Blunt was wrong and we deserved to be punished for it.”
“Yeah, yeah, it was wrong,” agrees Myron.
“It looks like Ms. Barkelott is having trouble with all those bags. Maybe we should show some RESPECT and go help her?”
“Yeah, yeah, we should go help her.”
The boys drop the eggs and head towards Ms. Barkelott who continues to struggle with her keys.
“Can we help you, Ms. Barkelott?” the boys asked in unison.
Surprised, Ms. Barkelott acknowledges the boys. “Well, yes, you can. Thank you, boys. I appreciate it.”
“It’s our pleasure,” says Guido. “Besides, we know what we did was wrong and we just want to tell you that we are sorry.”
“Well, thank you. That is very grown-up of you to say. I accept your apology, but the one you should be apologizing to is Mr. Blunt.”
“Yeah, yeah, apologize to Mr. Blunt,” agrees Myron.
“And there he is right now,” Ms. Barkelott points out as she gets into her car.
George looks at Captain Pump in amazement as they continue to watch the scrolling pages. Guido and Myron apologize to Mr. Blunt, shake his hand, and watch him drive away. George, like a proud papa, smiles and gives Captain Pump a high five.
“I told you, George. Never underestimate the power of a fitness superhero. You see, fitness comes in many forms besides the physical. It includes emotional and mental fitness, too.”
“I will never doubt you again, my friend. I promise.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, George.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means exactly what I said. We won’t always agree and sometimes we won’t always believe in what the other is doing. But as long as we support each other and treat each other with RESPECT, we will be a good team.”
“Instead, how about promising me you will tell Ashley about this whole thing?”
“Why are you so insistent that I get Ashley involved?”
“Because you want her to be,” says the Captain.
“What about you? How did that date go with Tina Turnip?”
“What does that have to do with anything, George? If you must know, there never was a date and there isn’t a Tina Turnip either. I guess I don’t want to be alone, just like you.”
“Yeah. So we are a lot alike after all.”
“We have more in common than just our pretty faces, George,” jokes Captain Pump.
“It sure isn’t the hair,” adds George.
Captain Pump runs his hand through his thick orange ’do.
/> “Yeah, we sure don’t have that in common,” laughs the mighty one.
“Thanks,” says George.
“For what?” asks Captain Pump.
“For picking me as your superhero representative.”
They both smile.
“I am glad I chose you too. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” says the Captain.
He disappears into the scrolling frames. George closes the magic book, folds it, and puts it in his back pocket.
Minutes later . . .
Back in the school, George returns to emptying the garbage can as Guido and Myron walk over.
“Hey Mr. Basner,” says Guido. “Do you know anyone who could use a few dozen eggs?”
“Of course. Did you know that the egg is the perfect protein, and protein is crucial to building muscle and a strong body?”
“Wow! We didn’t know how healthy they are. Thanks, Mr. Basner.”
“They are great in an omelet, hard-boiled, or just fried by themselves. A great way to start the day the healthy way.”
Meanwhile . . . in PUMPLAND . . .
The Captain smiles while he watches the conversation unfold on his real-world monitor. “That George is a fast learner.”
The Pumpland Praise
Captain Pump, wearing a hard hat, stands in front of the giant eggplant buildings along with a few Pumpland construction workers.
“The buildings will be ready in a few days, Captain,” says one of the workers.
“What are you planning on doing with them anyway?”
“Oh, I have big plans for this place. It all came to me in a dream last night. Everyone in Pumpland will thrive here.”
“Wow! I can’t wait,” answers the construction worker.
“Me neither,” says the Captain.
Meanwhile . . . back in the REAL WORLD . . .
George finds an envelope with his name on it taped to the door of his office. He opens the envelope and finds a “Get Well” card inside from Ashley. George smiles and puts the card in his shirt pocket as he locks up for the day.
Meanwhile . . . back in PUMPLAND . . .
At his carrot headquarters . . .
Captain Pump sits at his control desk typing on his keyboard and looking at the screen while mumbling to himself, “This will be perfect. It’s the right time and I think Pumpland needs it!”
Captain Pump pulls a sheet from his printer and scans the data into his tablet.
“This is exactly it!” he says to himself, looking at the printout.
At that moment, the Captain hears a soothing chirping sound from a distance . . . it begins to get closer and soon, sitting on the Captain’s shoulder, is a lovely bluebird, angelic and beautiful, singing to him.
“Ah, hello, Christina, my favorite bluebird. Thank you for your beautiful song. Look what I am doing. I can’t wait for all of Pumpland to see.”
The bluebird chirps and flutters her wings in approval. The captain smiles and flies into the Pumpland sky.
Meanwhile . . . back in the REAL WORLD . . .
George sits in the bleachers overlooking the football field where Mr. Svelt continues to dig for worms. He pulls out the card that Ashley gave him, smiles fondly, and mutters to himself.
“Maybe that little mosquito is right. Maybe I should tell Ashley about all this . . . nah! She would think I lost it. She sure is amazing.”
Meanwhile . . . back in PUMPLAND . . .
In the CP Tower . . .
Captain Pump stands in the CP Tower laboratory with the Pumpland science specialists. He pulls up the data and posts an image on the screen.
“I want you to make me this.”
The scientists look at the image in awe and begin enthusiastically drawing plans, discussing options and conferring with Captain Pump about this top-secret project that will soon amaze, thrill and surprise all of Pumpland.
“Spare nothing. Do what you have to do to get this done.”
As the Captain and his team start the secret project, there is a disturbing meeting taking place within the Pumpland Mountains . . . where Freddy Fudge and his clan reside.
In Freddy Fudge’s den . . .
Deep in the mountains, this towering beast stands in front of his followers: a band of sugary villains loyal to Freddy’s cause. They listen carefully as he speaks.
“My sweet scoundrels, the time has come to wage the war on healthy foods and healthy ways.”
The crowd cheers.
“We must destroy Captain Pump once and for all!”
The junk food warriors cheer louder as they chant and pledge allegiance to the ferocious one.
“Soon, my friends, everyone will be addicted to us and we will forever have our way with them. The sweet and sugary will prevail!”
The crowd erupts into a Freddy frenzy, cheering and chanting as they celebrate the imminent sugar invasion.
Back at the CP Tower . . .
The scientists are hard at work as Captain Pump looks on.
“This will be the best thing ever,” he says.
Captain Pump takes off into the Pumpland sky. He glances at his CP watch, now flashing a bright green light, signaling that everything is well in Pumpland and the real world . . . for now.
Captain’s Corner
Hey kids! Wow! What a whirlwind of events! As you witnessed firsthand, Guido and Myron needed a little lesson in RESPECT and how to make the right choices.
Did you see how happy Ms. Barkelott was to see the boys offer to help her? And the boys felt great after choosing to help instead of hurt. I’m so proud of them for choosing the right thing to do.
Remember, you will always have the luxury of making choices in life, and if you make the right ones, you will always move forward in a positive direction.
Don’t worry if you make a wrong choice here and there. Mistakes are something we all make. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being wrong, because we all are at one point or another. It is a part of being human.
The important thing is that you learn from those mistakes—be aware of how your actions affect other people, and also how they affect you. And always be responsible for what you say, and also what you do. That is the key!
If you hurt someone with your words or your actions, apologize . . . say you are sorry . . . AND MEAN IT! Just like Guido and Myron apologized to Mr. Blunt for pulling off his toupee. People will appreciate you taking responsibility for your actions and RESPECT you for doing so.
You and I are a team now. Just like George and I are a team. As your Captain, I will be here to help you get fit and healthy. I am here when you feel there is no one to talk to. I am here when you feel alone and discouraged. Got it, my little Pumpster-in-training? Good!
Don’t hesitate, my Pumpster friends. If you feel down or alone, come and see me in Pumpland. Here you will have a whole bunch of friends to learn from. Remember, Pumpland is place where everyone is welcome, and that includes you!
Captain’s Gym
Now, an important component to being fit is making sure you exercise and move your body every day! So every time we get together I will leave you with a fitness lesson here in the Captain’s Gym.
This is a place that will help you become confident and strong, resilient and durable. Heck! You will be like me if you follow all of the wonderful lesons I have for you. Are you ready to start becoming the fitness guru you were meant to be? Awesome! Let’s get started.
Do you have your sneakers and workout clothes on? If you don’t, you better go change, ’cause it’s time to sweat and pump up those muscles!
Consider me your personal trainer and together we will get you fit and healthy in no time. Now for today’s fitness lesson.
Phase One
I want you to be active and move your body just like we do here in Pumpland. It is the only way to a healthy life.
Spend sixty minutes running, jumping, skating or playing a sport. Do this eve
ry day to make your body strong, fast, and resilient. This will keep you energized and your heart healthy. Then you can be on your way to becoming a full-fledged Pumpster.
Now before you continue reading, I want you to go complete Phase One. Then come back and we’ll continue your Pumpster workout.
Make sure you do it before you continue reading. I will know if you did or not. In Pumpland we always run, jump and play. It’s the healthy way!
Did you do it? Did you run, hop, and jump today? Awesome! I knew you could do it. And I bet you feel better too. You have more energy and you feel ALIVE.
You are now ready for Phase Two of your Captain Pump workout. This part is really cool. Are you ready? Here we go.
Phase Two
This is your exercise routine. It is the one I started out with years ago when I was your age. These are easy, fun exercises that you can do alone or with your friends. The important thing is to just do them every day. So here is your everyday workout.
1. Do five push-ups.
Do as many sets of five push-ups as you can. How do you do a push-up, you ask?
It’s easy-peasy. All you have to do is push your body up off the floor. Do what I do. Look at the picture and copy me. Are you in the same position as I am? We’ll call this the “start” position, okay? Now keep your body straight as a board like me. Then bend your elbows until your chest and knees touch the floor. Then push your body up off the floor until you are back in the “start” position.
If you have trouble, change your “start” position to having your knees on the floor and just use your upper body.
The key is to do them slowly. That will make you stronger and give your muscles a great workout. Now, when you can do that easily and you feel strong, start doing sets of ten pushups.